Conferencing & Assessments

Family Finding
training & workshops
Spirit Dreaming & Australian Family Group Conferencing
Proudly Present
WHAT is family finding ...
Family Finding seeks to build or maintain a child's Lifetime Family Support network for all children who are disconnected or at risk of disconnection through placement outside of their home and community.
The process identifies relatives and other supportive adults, estranged from or unknown to the child, especially those who are willing to become permanent connections for him/her.
Upon completion of the process, children have a range of commitments from adults who are able to provide permanency, sustainable relationships within a kinship system, and support in the transition to adulthood and beyond.
Keeping safety at the forefront and using a family-driven process, families are empowered to formulate highly realistic and sustainable plans to meet the long-term needs of children and youth.
Child outcomes may include increased reunification rates, improved well-being, and placement stability, transition out of the child welfare system, decreased re-entry rates, and stronger sense of belonging for children.

The goals of the Family Finding model are to:
Support foster youth in developing meaningful and enduring connections with adults who will support them across their lifespan.
Ensure safe and stable family-based living arrangements for all youth with dependency needs. For youth in out-of-home care due to protection needs, ensure a timely and permanent exit from the formal service system through the development of a resilient and comprehensive network of supportive adults.
Support youth in developing a healthy sense of identity and regain dignity as well as providing family members with the opportunity to meet the needs within their family system. Enable young adults emerging from care to live safely and productively within their communities.
For individuals with lifetime care needs, increase connectedness, decrease dependence on the formal service system, and enhance family-driven decision making.
For all individuals, prevent recidivism within or between formal service systems, including prevention of youth “graduation” into the adult correctional system.